What people take with when they go sailing varies by their personal preferences, their experience and the kind of sailing holiday they are doing. Here are some guidelines and useful items to brink with you.
If your holiday falls between mid-May and the end of September, you won’t need much in the way of clothes! A couple of swimsuits, sea-towels, some T-shirts and shorts and something casual for the evenings are all you need. It’s a good idea to include a windproof jacket in case of stronger winds and a pair of sailing gloves to protect your hands.
Closed non-slip shoes (deck shoes/sports shoes) are a must for safety on board and don’t forget to bring a sun hat, sunglasses and include plenty of sunscreen for protection from the sun. Reflection from the water means you soak up a lot of sun while sailing.
It is preferable to pack in soft bags rather than hard suitcases as hard cases are more difficult to stow away in lockers onboard.
For early and late season sailing; before mid-May and after September, a fleece/sweater and some warm trousers may be necessary and it’s wise to include wet weather gear too - just in case!
Toiletries and medication
Most brands of soap, shower gel, shampoo, sunscreen etc. are sold in Greece although they tend to be more expensive from the small harbour-side shops. If you take prescribed medicine, it is advisable to bring enough with you for the duration of your holiday. Although all our yachts have a basic first aid kit, it is a good idea to carry one of your own which should includes travel sickness pills, antiseptic cream, insect repellent, antihistamine cream/gel for insect bites and anything else you personally may need.
Although you will probably find everything you need in the supermarkets in Greece, if you have food allergies (milk, wheat gluten, etc.) it is advisable to bring the substitutes you use at home as they may not be readily available in the small shops you will be using in Greece.